The History and Culture of Reed Diffuser

In ancient times, reed diffuser was only used by wealthy families. Ordinary people couldn't afford it, and they didn't know there was such a thing.

Now with the development of science and technology, there are many kinds of reed diffuser. Prices range from low to high. There are dozens of yuan and hundreds of thousands of aromatherapy, which can basically meet the needs of all walks of life.

China's reed diffuser culture began in ancient times and sprouted in the pre-Qing Dynasty, first formed in the Qing and Han Dynasties, grew up in the Six Dynasties, was completed in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, flourished in the Song and Yuan Dynasties, and spread widely in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

The incense used for sacrifices in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States has gradually been divided into various methods such as burning incense, burning firewood, burning sacrifices, offering incense wine, and offering grain. Some nobles and dignitaries in the palace have slowly produced rich and diverse aromatherapy. Aromatic plants have been used in life fields such as scenting the body, incense, warding off filth, dispelling insects, and medical care.

Reed diffuser

The methods of smoking, wearing, smoking bath and drinking are extended. Wearing sachets and inserting vanilla bath fragrances has gradually become accepted. Slowly with the passage of time, the popularity of incense has also become popular on a large scale.

During the Qing and Han Dynasties, the atmosphere of incense first became popular in the upper class represented by princes, nobles, dignitaries and dignitaries. Indoor incense, smoked clothes and quilts, banquets and entertainment, and decontamination and cleanliness were mainly used for incense burners and smoke cages.

The nearly 400 years of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties was an important stage in the development of aromatherapy culture. The aromatherapy used by the court, the literati and the Buddhists jointly promoted the development of the home aromatherapy culture. At the same time, incense pills and cakes were derived. , incense reed diffuser sticks, incense powder, balm, incense soup, incense dew, etc.

Xiangmo flourished in the Song and Yuan Dynasties. The Song Dynasty pursued the strategy of advocating literature and suppressing military affairs, resulting in weak military strength, prosperous culture, and developed economy. It was a glorious period in the history of Chinese culture. Aromatherapy culture has also developed to a super heyday. During this period, aromatherapy has pervaded all aspects of social life. Including palace banquets, wedding ceremonies, teahouses and wine shops, etc., incense is used in various places; the import of fragrant medicines is huge.


Now living in 2023, there has been a great breakthrough in the way of home fragrance diffuser. In ancient times, it was used to make simple incense such as incense sticks, incense coils, and balm. Now we have used fire-free reed diffuser and essential oil aromatherapy, and the styles and fragrances are becoming more and more diverse, such as Essential Oil Diffuser Sticks, Flower Diffuser Reeds, Diffuser Perfume Bottle and more others, all loved by the public

Home Fragrance diffuser

Post time: Aug-16-2023